Tuesday, April 30, 2024

NaPoWriMo 2024 #30

Job Sits with Me in My Grief
I closed the door to my private room and sat
on the cushioned futon with a cup of tea.
When the words came, they were swept along
by a river of salt, solid chunks so large in my eyes
I thought I was bleeding - and being aware
of every heartbeat in my head, in my hands,
in my feet, I was bleeding.
Under a too-bright lightbulb, I told of all my loss.
As the wind rattled the window outside,
he patted me on the back, smiled with red eyes,
and said, "That must be hard."

NaPoWriMo 2024 #29

the way of a pilgrim 
- a cloak because only God is home
- a beard because the strain of prayer stretches the limits of the face
- sandals because the most difficult road is the sandy one on the shore of heaven 
- the wind because blowing hair erases the face
The one who is best at prayer cannot be recognized
for it.

NaPoWriMo 2024 #28

Sijo on Prayer
Prayer is answered: Our hands close, God's hands open, what does He give?
He says "Yes," I go my way. Or He says "No," and I do too.
Between these two, beyond them, He answers, "Wait," and there He is found.

NaPoWriMo 2024 #27

Sonnet for a Hospital Visit
That river pulled me from the blue-eyed eddies 
Until I rested in a pool of injured muscles
Looking deep into the woods, hearing deep the voice of birds.

I rowed against the pressing babbles
Back upstream to the fork.
I treaded water in the sun, treading softly, feeling it burn.

Spinning slow I sought a Virgil.
Sacagawea set my mind at ease,
Finger pointing long and strong.

These caverns filled with medicines for life
Were silent as the grave.
I found the bed where my friend lay.

Angel voices sang in the quiet,
Kneeling beside us in joy.

Monday, April 29, 2024

NaPoWriMo 2024 #26

Taking a Walk in the Rain
Crashing sheets shush my son's seething -
teeth briefly cheesing cheeky as he schemes,
then hushed, mind brushed in breathing streams.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

NaPoWriMo 2024 #25


What is your idea of  perfect happiness?
What do you most deplore?
What is overrated?
When do you lie?
What is your idea of perfect?
Who do you hate?
What quality do you want to see in a romantic partner?
Who are your friends in real life?
What is your idea?
What is your name?
How will you die?
What will you regret?

Didn't you see the heartache that would come from those eyes?
Will you die?
Who will remember it?
I'm embarrassed to say.
Can they answer for themselves?
Do you mind a people-pleaser?
Is anyone worse than yourself?
It's something of which I cannot conceive.
Do you ever tell the truth?
White lies.
See above.
I thought I knew once, but I can't seem to remember.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

NaPoWriMo 2024 #24

 How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable

seems any intellectual pursuit
when those golden eyes droop in memory,
and even the imagined brush of speckled grey
topples flat the house of cards I've huddled in.
I'm tired. I can't taste. I can't stand. I can't.
I didn't think it would be so hard to say goodbye,
but thought has no place in the eye
of this tall storm.

NaPoWriMo 2024 #30

Job Sits with Me in My Grief I closed the door to my private room and sat on the cushioned futon with a cup of tea. When the words came, the...